Wednesday 15 May 2013

Hiring the Right Attorney for Child Support

While divorces can be problematic, a military retirement and divorce makes the process even more complicated. While a divorce lawyer is always important, those in the military need to consider hiring a military divorce lawyer whose expertise is in military divorce law.

Hiring the Right Attorney

When it comes to child support, the right attorney can make a big difference, especially if you and your spouse are trying to reach a mutual agreement. While you can certainly allow the court to make the final decision, that means waiting for a date in court; hiring an attorney for child support and ultimately reaching a mutual agreement will speed the process. If you aren’t sure how to proceed with find a child support lawyer, can provide some tips such as:

·         Research any lawyer you are considering before making a final decision
·         Never share a lawyer with your spouse; you want to choose someone who is interested only in what is best for you
·         Make sure you know whether you are going to need a lawyer to represent you in court
·         Do not allow your spouse or his/her lawyer to intimidate you into agreeing to something that is higher or lower than the court would award

Are you facing problems with child support and need a lawyer? When you visit the Legal-Yogi website you will discover a contact form. All that is necessary is for you to fill it out, and someone will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Research is Essential

When you are looking for child support and custody lawyers research is essential. You need to make sure the lawyer you choose has the experience and expertise necessary to litigate your case in court if that becomes necessary. This means you want to make sure your lawyer is experienced in not just family law but has actually represented clients in cases involving child support and custody. While it’s quite likely your divorce lawyer has experience in these areas, you want to make sure before you make a final decision. If possible you should choose a divorce lawyer that can handle all of your amenities instead of having to work with several different lawyers.

Divorce Help for Men

While there aren’t really difference divorce laws relative to men and women, there may be a need for help with divorce for men simply because the process can get somewhat more complicated, especially when it relates to the property settlement and child custody. It’s important for men to discuss these issues with a lawyer rather than to attempt to insist upon things the court isn’t likely to grant.

Military retirement and divorce can be very complicated matters, so it’s important to choose a military lawyer who is familiar with military divorce law. You also want to make sure you hire an attorney for child support and research child support and custody lawyers before making a final decision. Because of its complex nature, it may be necessary for men to obtain help with divorce for men only. There are some issues that are more important from a man’s point of view such as property settlement and issues related to the children.

Hiring the right attorney is essential, especially when it relates to child support, custody and visitation. Whether you need a lawyer to represent you in court or just provide legal advice is irrelevant; can still provide a great deal of the information you need in order to make the right decision. In addition to all of this well-researched information you will also find a database of over 200,000 legal and financial experts located in all of the 50 states in the country. This information is completely free of charge to consumers. Would you like to schedule a free consultation with one of these experts? All you need to do is pick up the phone and call 800-397-1755 if you want to schedule a free consultation. 

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Child Support Attorneys For Fathers

Being in the armed forces is tough on a marriage. You and your spouse are often not in the same geographical place, which puts a lot of strain on a relationship. When the dissolution of the marriage is a dual military divorce, it is handled as a civilian divorce is. Trust me; I’ve been there. The family court of the state in which the petition is filed has jurisdiction over what constitutes martial joint property and which parent gets custody of the children. When there is only one military spouse in the divorce, courts generally award custody to the non-military parent.  All in all, military divorce is harder in many ways than a civilian one, and ending the marriage can take quite a bit of time.

As in any divorce situation, the parties must choose whether or not to hire lawyers for divorce. There are some scenarios in which it’s a good idea, such as

When there is animosity between the parties
When a lot of community property exists
When the custody of the children is at issue
When one party has more money than the other

When my spouse and I got divorced, we were both in the Army. We were not, much to my shame, very nice to each other throughout the divorce process. In fact, it got so bad that I had to hire an attorney for child custody to fight to keep the kids with me. I didn’t really care about division of community property, except for the inheritance I had received upon my grandfather’s death, but I truly believed then, as now, that the kids should live with me, as I have a stable situation in the Army and don’t move around as much as my ex-husband does. After quite a bit of arguing by the lawyers, the judge agreed with me and granted custody of our two boys to me, with ample visitation for their father.

If you’d like more information about military divorce and whether or not to hire a divorce attorney, is the place to get it. is a well established consumer resource website which has a database of well over 260,000 financial experts and attorneys to help answer questions about any area of law. Dial 800-397-YOGI (1755) to get your free initial consultation. I know you’ll be glad you did.